lundi 8 mars 2010

L’Entente Cordiale des écoles de Duxford et Toussus

Children from Duxford School are seeing the benefit of the links being established with Toussus-le-Noble. Duxford teachers have been using their rusty French to communicate with the Head Teacher in Toussus, whose English puts us all to shame!
Our first joint project is already well underway. CDs of songs sung by each of the schools have been exchanged, giving each school the opportunity to hear songs sung in a new language.
It is an exciting way for the children of Duxford School to hear French being spoken by children of their own age. The children from Toussus have sent over some delightful cards telling us all about themselves, including their favourite school subjects and their pets. They have also sent questionnaires, written in French for our Year 6 children to answer. This will be an exciting way for our children to practise writing about themselves in French! Both schools
are very enthusiastic about developing opportunities for their pupils to learn another language and to compare life in Duxford to village life in France.
We look forward to telling you about our next projects very soon.

Suzanne Blackburne-Maze, Modern Foreign Languages coordinator, Duxford School

Duxford Chatterbox - March 2010

Le printemps des Poètes à Toussus

Un programme de mélodies sur des poèmes français du XIXes.

Le thème est emprunté au Printemps des Poètes qui met à l’honneur, cette année, la Femme. Les textes seront d’abords lus, puis chantés.
7 poètes et 7 compositeurs seront à l’affiche pour nous inviter à célébrer le retour du Printemps.

Samedi 20 mars 2010, 20h30, au Centre Culturel du Plessis à Toussus-le-Noble

Nathalie Jelisejeff - Soprano
Vital Chauve - Piano
Thierry Blond - Récitant

Une manifestation organisée par la Bibliothèque de Toussus.
Entrée est libre.